News / お知らせ


I’ve moved my blog updates to this site from Fanbox and plan to accept donations and subscriptions just like I did there. I’m working on setting up PayPal and/or Stripe as soon as I figure out how it works. I hope you’ll continue to support me through these changes!


2001年から現在までのクレジットリストをServices/業務内容ページに追加しました。まとめるのに少し時間がかかりましたが、私の四半世紀の人生を簡潔にまとめた物となっています!いくつか抜けているのですが、何かしらの理由でクレジットされていないものもあります。これから古い請求書を確認してさらに情報を掘り起こす予定です。(最後に…Anime News Network Encyclopediaと作画 Wikiに感謝!)

Now that I’ve upgraded my WordPress subscription, I’m in the process of switching over to a new template design. I hope this won’t take too long, but please allow me some time to work on it. (*The menu links should still be working.)


私がキャラクターデザインを担当したIRIAM Vライバー【武蔵 蓮】こと大和 稟さんのサークル、「シン大和工房」が無事コミケ104に当選いたしました!武蔵 蓮くんのグッズも作る予定なので、当日会場にいらっしゃる方はお気軽ブースにお立ち寄りください。頒布物の詳細は準備が整い次第お知らせいたします。【 参加日・配置: 2024/08/12 (月)2日目 西み09a

I am pleased to announce that “Shin Yamato Kobo” led by Yamato Rin, the person behind the IRIAM V-Liver Musashi Ren, has been accepted for Comiket 104! I designed the character, so we are planning to create some Musashi Ren-related merchandise for the event. So if you are attending the event, please feel free to drop by our booth. Details on the items will be shared as soon as they are finalized.

Comiket Participation Date & Location: Monday, August 12, 2024, Day 2, West Hall, Booth 09a

I recently had the chance to design the character illustration for Musashi Ren, a V-LIVER who debuted on the streaming service IRIAM. The full-body illustration is uploaded on Pixiv. I’ve also written about the production notes on my blog, so please be sure to check it out!

IRIAMという配信サービスでデビューしたVライバー【武蔵 蓮】の立ち絵を描かせてもらいました。全身のイラストはピクシブにアップしてあります。ブログにも制作時の話を色々書いておりますので、そちらも是非ご覧ください!

I created this temporary website to consolidate all the information scattered throughout the internet. It’s still in a very basic state, but I kindly ask for your patience as I make improvements to its contents and design. But in the meantime, I hope it helps!
