
*Moving from Fanbox! /Fanboxからお引越しです!*


  • 色々と思うところもあり、普段はあまり昔話もアニメの話もしませんが… せっかく自分の場所を作ったので、自分の日常だけでなく、もう少し突っ込んだ話もしていきたいなと思っております。

    I’ve been reflecting on various things, and while I don’t usually talk much about the past or anime, I figured since I have my own space now, I’d like to delve a bit deeper, beyond just my daily life.









    The other day, I came across a post about someone who was taught in animation school that animators should “draw the background and cells in a layout, and then color the cell parts red.” There was a reply saying, “Isn’t that an old-fashioned method?” and the conversation made me nostalgic, remembering that such rules did exist back in the day.

    Even though I’m usually not one to remember much about the past, one thing came to mind as I read the post.

    Back in the day, we used to roughly trace cells (like characters) on the background with a red pencil to show the art team where the cells would go. Eventually, we started incorporating the cell parts into the layout with regular pencil, but the habit of coloring with red pencils remained. Some studios even had a tradition of using yellow. Even as an in-betweener back then, I realized how different studios had their own ways.

    When you colored with yellow, the pencil’s sketchy lines stood out and looked pretty cool. It’s a bit hard to explain in words, but it was THE thing back then. Naturally, more people started copying the style, and I was one of them.

    In my twenties, while working at a certain studio, a senior animator got on my case, saying, “It’s standard to color cell parts red. If you use yellow, it won’t show up when (Xerox) copied! Young people these days (etc.).” I was scolded so harshly that I thought, “…wow, like, that much!?” It was hard to accept because, while what was being said was correct, the tone felt almost like harassment. I found myself not being able to sincerely apologize.

    In the end, I ended up leaving that studio, but that was a result of my own choices, so I guess it’s my own fault. Looking back, that experience helped me grow up a lot <*sigh*>.

    Even now, I see plenty of people who insist that the rules they know ARE the industry’s standard. But if you’re going to share those rules, it’s better to do so without looking down on others. By sharing the knowledge in a sincere manner, you just might learn about new rules and techniques in return. The best form of animation production is when talented young people take the lead in the creative process, and veterans support them by sharing their experiences and skills.

    The instructor who taught “color the cells red” isn’t wrong, but it’s clear they’ve stuck to the same rules for decades. If you’re working in a constantly evolving media environment and in a teaching role, it’s important to embrace change. As long as you hold on to what you truly value, that should be good enough.
